Monday, October 7, 2013

Teardown done!

It's with great pleasure I announce that the teardown process is over - have spent the weekend starting the rebuild! Fuselage has been (weeks ago) spot-primed where original primer was thin. Now the whole fuselage has got a coat of Olive Drab 2-component Mercedes Benz Truck paint (!). At "BilXtra" in Lillestrøm they are good with color matching. They found a color match based on Steve's color cards on just that type. Ironically I'm now putting on german high quality paint on an aircraft used to spot and destroy german gear 70 years ago!

Had to get a 3000 Watt heater to keep temperatures above 15 C. Started out using regular paint brush, but realized it would take weeks... Found that kitchen sponges did the trick, used the brush just in the welded joints. About half a liter was enough to cover a thin layer on the whole fuselage (excluding control surfaces). Thats good, the stuff was expensive! (about 150 USD for a liter!).

With the OD colored tubes it starts to look more authentic and military. A nice motivation-boost and it will now be better protected in a cold hangar the rest of the winter.