Sunday, March 9, 2014

Parts from Dick Hall

It was a good day yesterday. All parts produced by Dick Hall arrived, as well as new color sample cards from Steve Dunn (I think I have lost the ones I had). Anyway, the L-4 specific parts from Dick Hall is essential to any authentic L-4. These are parts that was specific for military deliveries and you can't get them anywhere else unless you make them yourself. They are:

- Map holder to go on the aft right side wall
- Sheet metal bow for protecting elevator control wires
- Aft fuselage cover
- Observer seat back belts
- L-4 Checklist

We fly the J3's / L-4's from the back seat only in Norway. However, for static display on air shows etc. it will be good to show how it was used in the ETO during WW2. The OD color also matches mine pretty well. Very satisfied! :-)

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